Join the Eastham Part-time Resident Taxpayers Association

Founded in 1973, the Eastham Part-time Resident Taxpayer Association (EPRTA) is a volunteer-run organization that provides a voice for Eastham part-time residents. Through its efforts, EPRTA represents the interests of part-time residents with the Eastham Select Board and the Town government officials. EPRTA is a 501 (c) (4) non-profit organization.

  • EPRTA is the voice for part-time residents in Eastham. It works with Eastham Select Board and Town officials to ensure that part-time resident issues and perspectives are factored into Town decisions.
  • In addition, EPRTA works to ensure that all residents of Eastham are aware of part-time resident contributions to Town committees, as well as Eastham community, charitable and environmental organizations.
  • EPRTA works in concert with other regional part-time resident groups on common concerns of part-time residents.
  • EPRTA members appreciate and support its efforts as indicated by comments in the 2024 Member Survey


Any property owner in Eastham whose primary residence is not in Eastham is eligible to join EPRTA. Former part-time residents who have moved to Eastham on a full-time basis are also eligible to join EPRTA.

EPRTA members currently pay dues of $30 per household annually.

EPRTA has multiple ways to communicate with members:
  • EPRTA hosts two member meetings each year in February (via Zoom) and in July (in-person)
  • EPRTA maintains a website with key EPRTA and Eastham information
  • EPRTA publishes a periodic newsletter distributed to all members via email
  • EPRTA sends email blasts to notify members of key Eastham issues and actions
  • EPRTA maintains an active Facebook presence
  • EPRTA runs periodic events and campaigns